Another edition with Clifton Strengths coach Teri Bylander-Pinke. Teri talks with Rand, Madeline and Christian about the strengths they love, hate and envy in others. Join us won’t you?
Ignite Agility® Podcast with Rand and Teri and Madeline: Clifton Strengths Ep. 2
Another edition with Clifton Strengths coach Teri Bylander-Pinke. Teri talks to Rand and Madeline about their overlapping strengths and how they are similar and different.
Ignite Agility® Podcast with Rand and Teri and Madeline (Clifton Strengths)
Our Clifton Strengths coach Teri Bylander-Pinke hosts a special edition of Ignite Agility®. Teri talks to Rand and Madeline about their recent experiences being coached through some of the basic Strengths exercises.