Practicing Scrum
Doctors and Lawyers often refer to what they do as Practicing Medicine or Practicing Law. This represents the fact that despite their years of training and experience they will still be confronted with new and unique challenges that they couldn’t have prepared in advance to deal with. Scrum and Agile professionals are dealing with a similar situation. Scrum and Agile talk about suggested courses of action but the exact combination of actions is often a judgement call based on experience and context. Scrum Training talks about a set number of ceremonies, roles, etc. but the exact way to put those elements together is left to the unique situation.
Working Agreements Video
In Certified ScrumMaster courses a common concern of new Scrum Masters is how to be a more effective coach and help their teams improve. One thing any Scrum Master can do to immediately add value and help the team that they are serving is to facilitate the creation of Working Agreements. Maybe you’ve referred to these as Team Norms, Core Values or Rules of Engagement but for our purposes I’m going to refer to them as Working Agreements. Why are these important for a Scrum team? Without working agreements, it’s really just a collection of people and not really a team. An effective Scrum Master, as active facilitator, can certainly help the Development Team and Product Owner create these agreements.
Sprint Review
Who is the Agile Manager?
Collaborative Leadership Team’s Dee Rhoda, Certified Scrum Professional & Agile Coach, shares her perspectives on the role of an Agile Manager.
We all know that there is a very important and prescribed position for managers in the traditional project management world. These folks are masters of estimation. They can estimate schedules, costs, resources and all manner of traditional project planning tasks and administration. I once worked with a Project Manager who could whip up and submit a Change Request faster than my dog could nab a fallen piece of bacon off the floor! That’s saying a lot because my dog is freaky fast!