CLT’S Covid-19 Business Preparedness plan
At Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center, it is our priority to keep our employees and their families healthy especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, we will abide by governmental guidelines when possible as we strive to balance public health concerns with the needs of our business. This return to work action plan details how we plan to reopen our business and still keep all of our employees safe to every extent possible. This plan, which pulls from Minnesota Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidance, highlights the responsibilities of owners and employees, and outlines the steps Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center is taking to address COVID-19.
While we will implement various protocols to ensure your safety, it is up to you and your co-workers to execute on these protocols daily. By releasing this return to work action plan, Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center hopes to clearly communicate our plans moving forward, highlight workplace protocols in place to protect your safety and establish a level of comfort for all of our employees as we ask you to return to the office.
We understand that every employee’s situation is different and encourage those with specific risks or concerns to reach out to their manager or HR to discuss alternate arrangements, should they be necessary.
Return to Work Timeline
Due to the evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, creating an exact timeline for resuming “normal” operations is not feasible. Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center will continue to monitor applicable state and local guidance and determine next steps for reopening the office.
To remain consistent with federal guidance, our phased approach to reopening our office mirrors the guidelines included in the White House’s Opening Up America Again Guidelines.
Phase One
Under Phase One, the office will reopen to customer groups of up to 10 people. Social distancing protocols will be put in place and should be followed. Employees who are able to work from home should continue to do so. Under Phase One guidance from the government, nonessential travel should be avoided. Business-related travel will not resume under Phase One.
Phase Two
Under Phase Two, the office will reopen to customer groups in our maximum room configurations that continue to allow for social distancing. Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center will observe governmental guidelines related to occupancy and capacity given our office’s square footage. Similar to Phase One, employees who are able to work from home should continue to do so. Access to the office will be granted for job roles that are critical to business operations or for employees who are not able to work remotely.
Social distancing protocols will be put in place and workplace modifications may be made to ensure social distancing can be maintained throughout the workday. The following protocols will be put in place to ensure our headcount in the office does not exceed 50 employees and to promote social distancing efforts:
Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center will implement a tracking system to monitor the number of people in the Conference Center at one time.
Workstation modifications – Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center will modify the office layout to create at least 6 feet of distance between employee workstations, and face-to-face desk layouts will be changed.
Employees who are in the office should avoid gathering in groups.
In addition to the protocols mentioned above, Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center may implement additional guidance during Phase Two that is designed to promote workplace safety.
Finally, although governmental guidance dictates that nonessential travel may resume under Phase Two, business-related travel will remain banned. Any employee who travels should follow self-isolation guidelines and not return to work during the isolation to ensure the safety of their peers.
Phase Three
Under Phase Three, the office may reopen to max capacity. We will implement various protocols to ensure the health and safety of our employees. At this phase, we may also consider resuming business-related travel.
It’s important to note that these phases are tentative and are subject to change based on state and local guidance, and the pandemic itself. Should an employee test positive for COVID-19 after the office reopens, our plan may change in an effort to protect our employees. In addition, if cases of covid-19 spike again in our state or in our local area, we will consider whether to remain open or close.
We recognize that each individual will need to make a personal decision as to when he or she is comfortable returning to the office based on individual circumstances. Please reach out to an owner to discuss your personal situation.
Workplace Protocols to Follow When Returning to Work
Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center has implemented various workplace protocols designed to preserve the health and safety of our employees as they return to work. This section further explains these protocols. For additional information, please reach out to an owner.
Employee Screening, Exposure and Confirmed Illness Protocols
Keeping employees safe is our priority. To accomplish this task, we have created various procedures for screening employees who return to work, dealing with exposure to COVID-19, responding to a confirmed case of COVID-19 and reporting transparency.
Screening Protocols
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission permits employers to measure body temperatures before allowing entrance to the worksite. Screening will be implemented on a nondiscriminatory basis, and all information gleaned should be treated as confidential medical information – specifically, the identity of persons exhibiting a fever or other COVID-19 symptoms should only be shared with members of company with a true need to know. Persons unwilling to submit to the screening will be denied entry to the conference center.
Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center employees may be asked to confirm the status of their health as part of working in the office. The company reserves the right to implement a screening protocol for symptoms, such as temperature checks or signed certifications, at any point. Results will be tracked separately from any personnel records and will be kept confidential. This protocol will commonly be implemented upon initial opening of the office and as a response to a confirmed diagnosis.
COVID-19 Exposure and Confirmed Illness Protocol
Employees who test positive for COVID-19 or believe they have been infected will be instructed to follow the advice of a qualified medical professional and self-quarantine. When self-quarantining, employees should:
Stay away from other people in their home as much as possible, staying in a separate room and using a separate bathroom if available.
Not allow visitors
Wear a face mask if they must be around people.
Avoid sharing household items, including drinking cups, eating utensils, towels and bedding.
Clean high touch surfaces daily.
Continue monitoring their symptoms, calling their health care provider if their condition worsens.
Return to Work Considerations
Employee was Symptomatic but was not tested for COVID-19
Employee was tested for COVID-19
The employee may return to work if:
They have not had a fever for at least 72 hours and have not used fever-reducing medications during that time.
Coughs and other symptoms have improved.
Fourteen days have passed since they first experienced symptoms.
The employee may return to work if:
They no longer have a fever.
Coughs and other symptoms have improved.
They have received two negative COVID-19 tests in a row at least 24 hours apart.
When an employee tests positive for COVID-19, deep-cleaning procedures will be triggered. Furthermore, employees who have been in close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 will be instructed to self-quarantine.
Reporting Transparency Protocol
Any Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center employee who experiences COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 must notify an Owner as soon as practicable. The employee will be asked to assist with contact tracing. This information will be tracked separately from personnel records, and names will not be released. Depending on the circumstances, Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center will notify impacted employees if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the workplace. Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center may elect to close the office for a period up to 72 hours following a confirmed case to allow for natural deactivation of the virus.
Social Distancing Protocol
Employees should follow social distancing best practices while at Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center’s facilities, including but not limited to workstations, cafeterias, common areas and office spaces. Specifically, employees are asked to:
Stay 6 feet away from others when working or on breaks. Where a minimum distance cannot be maintained, engineering or administrative controls will be in place.
Avoid job tasks that require face-to-face work with others when possible.
Avoid contact with others whenever possible (e.g., handshakes).
Avoid touching surfaces that may have been touched by others when possible.
Distance themselves from anyone who appears to be sick.
Avoid gathering when entering and exiting the facility.
Follow any posted signage regarding COVID-19 social distancing practices.
Disinfect their workspace often.
Avoid touching their face.
Avoid nonessential gatherings.
Limit the number of individuals in the break room or cafeteria.
Avoid using building common areas when possible.
Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center may extend our social distancing guidelines after the office reopens. Please monitor your email and adhere to any additional guidance as it is provided.
Employee Health and Safety Protocols
The success of our return to work action plan relies on how well our employees follow social distancing and health and safety protocols. As such, the following protocols have been implemented to ensure your health and safety. Please bring any concerns regarding the following protocols to an Owner immediately.
General Employee Health and Hygiene
Practicing good hygiene is essential to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Do your part by practicing good hygiene at work and at home:
Regularly wash your hands for at least 20 seconds throughout the day with warm water and soap, specifically before and after handling food, before and after going into the building commons areas, and after implementing cleaning/disinfecting procedures.
Cover coughs and sneezes.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
To help employees remain healthy, Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center has hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes available throughout the office. We have limited amounts of these supplies and will continue to restock as we are able. It is suggested that employees wash their hands more frequently than normal. Additionally, staff will be disinfecting key high traffic areas such as faucets and door handles multiple times daily. The frequency of this cleaning may change depending on the situation.
In addition, employees are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings when in public and when physical distancing of 6 feet or more cannot be guaranteed, such as in common areas. Employees will provide their own face coverings in accordance with CDC guidelines. It is recommended that employees wear face coverings when entering and exiting the building and when using common areas such as bathrooms, kitchens and the lobby. Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center will maintain a small inventory of disposable masks and gloves as a backup to employee-provided PPE.
Finally, employees who are feeling sick are asked to stay home from the office. Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness, should immediately seek medical attention and follow the guidance of a health care provider. Employees with symptoms are required to work remotely or take PTO. Employees who have been diagnosed with or are aware they’ve been directly exposed to COVID-19 should notify an Owner immediately.
Employee Mental Health Considerations
Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center understands that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased stress levels of employees across the country. We want to prioritize our employees’ mental health during these uncertain times. As such, we have made every effort to ensure that the workplace is safe for employees to return to work and are ready to discuss personal situations. Owners are aware of mental health considerations during this transition.
Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocol
Employees should do their part to help keep the office as clean as possible by cleaning and disinfecting their workstations and surfaces they commonly use. Employees should also avoid using others’ workstations, tools and equipment. Additionally, whenever an employee uses a common piece of equipment (e.g., printer or fax machine), it should be wiped down prior to and following use. Proper cleaning and disinfecting supplies will be provided by Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center. Employees should wash their hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds after cleaning or sanitizing a surface.
Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center has requested that building management facilitates cleaning of common areas and other frequently touched surfaces throughout the day. The frequency of this cleaning may change depending on the situation. Current schedule is listed below, but is subject to change based on MDH, CDC, or OSHA recommendations.
Cleaning Schedule:
Common Areas and High Touch Surfaces - 4 times a day on a rotating schedule
Coffee Station - sanitizing wipes available and encouraged before each use
Employee Office - 2 times a day on a rotating schedule
Customer Workplace - Before customer arrival and immediately after departure
Products used for cleaning:
Approved surface cleaners
Sanitizing wipes
Sanitizing spray
Disinfect a diagnosed worker’s area:
Close off the infected worker’s work area for 24 hours if feasible.
Wait 24 hours to do the following if feasible, if not, do the following as close to 24 hours as possible:
Wipe down all surfaces at the infected person’s workstation.
Wipe down all surfaces outside of worker’s desk that they may have come into contact.
Office Procedures
In addition to the guidance outlined above, Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center has implemented the following workplace procedures to be followed until social distancing guidelines are lifted:
Deliveries – Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center will set up contactless drop zones for all deliveries, including mail and packages. An assigned contact or contacts will process mail and packages at least three times per week, utilizing gloves. Employees ordering food delivery service will need to instruct drivers to utilize drop off zones for contactless delivery.
Visitors—Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center will take steps to safeguard employees and visitors by:
Requiring screening upon entry.
Requiring visitors to go directly to their assigned work area without unnecessarily interacting with employees.
Requiring visitors to practice social distancing and good hygiene while on-site.
Vending and catering services—To ensure the health of visitors and employees, Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center will observe governmental guidelines and restrictions related to self-serve vending stations. In the absence of vending, employees will be responsible for bringing their own food and beverage, preferably in a temperature-controlled bag. It is recommended that all dishware be taken home nightly for cleaning in a dishwasher. For visitors the company will avoid catering events that allow for cross-contamination and focus on individual boxed lunch meals.
Employees should monitor workplace communications to ensure they are up to date on all health and safety communications.
Collaborative Leadership Team/West End Conference Center looks forward to the future of our employees returning to work. The COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertain times and resulted in unprecedented workplace changes. As communicated throughout this return to work action plan, we are prioritizing the health of our employees every step of the way as we consider reopening our business’s doors.
We will execute on our plan cautiously, following applicable state and local guidance as much as possible. We also understand that each employee’s needs and situations will be different as our doors begin to reopen. Employees should discuss any concerns they have about returning to work as it relates to their personal health or situation with their manager or supervisor.
Finally, we ask that employees are patient and understanding of the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic may require our return to work plans to change. Employees will be given as much notice as possible in the event of an unforeseen setback or office closure.
Employees should direct questions regarding the content of this action plan to an Owner. Furthermore, while the strategies highlighted in this document can protect workers from COVID-19, it’s important to follow CDC guidance at all times. For more information, click here.