Agile & Scrum Training Courses | Collaborative Leadership Team

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What's in a Name?

Hello from the Minneapolis Scrum Training Company, Collaborative Leadership Team, and welcome to our new website and blog!  We are excited to share our perspectives and opinions on how individuals, teams and organizations can improve and build better products.

However, before we do, we want to share insight regarding our name.  What’s in a name?  A name helps us identify, categorize and classify an organization.  A name represents who someone is – it becomes their brand and how the market identifies not only what they provide, but what they value.

Our name is no different.  The words, “Collaborative”, “Leadership” and “Team” were all carefully chosen to represent who we are.  Here is our take on each of these words:

  • Collaborative – We work with you, not for you and certainly not against you, in achieving a common goal.  Collaboration directs us and the partnerships we enter, basing them on mutual respect, trust, and face-to-face communication (whenever possible).
  • Leadership –We help you create a new future for your team and organization.  While “management” is interested in preserving the status quo and controlling, leadership is about creating a new, more responsive organization whose products and services delight your customers.  We help you develop this leadership by teaching, mentoring and coaching individuals and teams in frameworks based on sound leadership principles.  Principles like engagement, self-organization, commitment and accountability are hallmarks of these frameworks that lead to lasting results.
  • Team – We are a Team and we love working with Teams!  We believe humans are meant to work together in pods, villages and tribes.  We believe extraordinary results can be accomplished when people come together and leverage each other’s strengths in pursuit of a common goal.  We are awed by these results and derive joy and excitement from helping them be better versions of themselves.

So that’s our name – The Collaborative Leadership Team. If you’d like to learn more about the new Minneapolis Scrum Training company, please check out our course offerings and upcoming events or click here to contact us.

Author: Collaborative Leadership Team. Learn more about our coaches and offerings here